About Us

Bishop David Amponsah and First Lady Cristina Amponsah

Fountain of Life Ministries is a church of the Lord Jesus Christ in which the word of God is preached, ordinances are administered, and doctrine of Sanctification or holiness is emphasized as being essential to the salvation of mankind.

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Fountain of Life Ministries is a church of the Lord Jesus Christ-Non-denomination in which the word of God is preached.

Our mission is to touch locally and reach globally; a ministry, meeting people at their point of need through Prayer and The Word of God.

Our vision is to see that Texas, The United States and The World come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Experiencing, living and sharing the healing, saving, delivering POWER OF GOD and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our goals are to see people are set free in every area of their life, living healthy, blessed and prosperous, being fruitful men and women of God, equipped for success and fulfilling God's plan and purpose for their life

Our principles are based 100% on the Word of God with Jesus Christ being the person of our confession and the center of our lives.

Every religion, large or small, began with personnel experience of one individual. One person had a vision, a revelation, an awakening. That person's life was transformed by the consciousness of a unique relationship with the infinite. One revelation, one mystical experience, and one changed life - and a religion is born.

We gather disciples, train them, and then send them forth to spread the "good news" of the new relationship with God.



We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures in all matters is the word of God. We believe the Bible is the word of God and contains one harmonious and sufficiently complete system of the doctrine. We believe in the full inspiration of the word of God. (By inspiration we mean that the act whereby God, the Holy Ghost, gave us the scriptures of Communicating the truth to us through the agency of fallible men, of any kind and that even to the most minute detail, we might receive the truth which God the primary Author, intended to convey to us). By this definition, we acknowledge that human authorship of the scripture, that God is the primary Author (11 Peter 1:21; 11 Timothy 3:16) and it concerns itself with the original writings (autographs and not copies or other versions in these writings there was no error, it was a perfect book).

The Church is aware of the social revolution that exists at this time in our history and recognizes the need for total involvement of the Church in the affairs and movements directed at securing for all men, without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin, those human and natural rights that are by the natural law of our creator bestowed upon all of mankind equally. The concern for involvement in and dedication to the principles of equality of rights, justice and opportunity in all segments of our society should be considered as a basic and integral part of the everyday Christian ministry of all members of the Church. This is so, not because of the governmental proclamation that "all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights" but because of the more fundamental Christian philosophy of the brotherhood of man. The Church believes in, supports and encourages continued peaceful Christian persuasion in behalf of establishing in our creator's kingdom here on earth equality of rights, opportunity and justice for all mankind.


Our Philosophy

The Church is aware of the social revolution that exists at this time in our history and recognizes the need for total involvement of the Church in the affairs and movements directed at securing for all men, without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin, those human and natural rights that are by the natural law of our creator bestowed upon all of mankind equally. The concern for involvement in and dedication to the principles of equality of rights, justice and opportunity in all segments of our society should be considered as a basic and integral part of the everyday Christian ministry of all members of the Church. This is so, not because of the governmental proclamation that "all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights" but because of the more fundamental Christian philosophy of the brotherhood of man. The Church believes in, supports and encourages continued peaceful Christian persuasion in behalf of establishing in our creator's kingdom here on earth equality of rights, opportunity and justice for all mankind.



You're welcome to join our church of the Lord Jesus Christ in which the word of God is preached, ordinances are administered and doctrine of Sanctification or holiness is emphasized as being essential to the salvation of mankind.